a webcomic about folks who try to get richer faster and end up poorer
And welcome to the comic's new Web site! As part of the transition from the previous site, we continue to upload comics going back to 2006, when the strip began online, and plan to resume a "Subjects" page and add an RSS feed. We'll keep you updated on other plans and if you have questions, just click on "Contact" and ask away.
"Richer Faster Poorer" takes up the important topics of investing and personal finance, but in the end it's a comic about the human nature behind the money. It's meant to be fun and prompt a laugh or two (or a broad, thin, or knowing smile).
Hope you enjoy it and thanks for reading!
This first “Richer Faster Poorer” strip, which ran Sunday, December 10, 2006, tops the special “Subjects” list because it introduces readers to the comic. It includes all 14 characters, the classroom setting, and dialogue illustrating the relationship between the get-rich-fast students and the honest-man professor who will try to teach them to get rich slowly, steadily, and wisely.

First Comic at Richer Faster Poorer- Honest Mistakes - 12-10-06
“Richer Faster Poorer” is a webcomic about folks who want to get richer faster and end up poorer. They take a course in personal finance taught by Professor Will Hope, who tells them to make money by planning, setting goals, saving regularly, diversifying, investing long-term, keeping investment costs low, then staying the course.
Wise advice, but is anybody listening?
"Richer Faster Poorer" was created, written, and drawn by B.J. Dewey, long-time journalist and small-time investor. B.J. has made the money mistakes of nearly every one of her characters, plus some of her very own. She once owned a white cat.

Professor Will Hope
“Will Hope is both my name and my motto."

Will's wisecracking, incessantly napping cat. She's a cat and that says it all.

Wayne B. D'Payne
Wayne B. D'Payne says: “Ha! I just need one big gain to wipe out all my losses.”
Wayne is, well, a pain.

Dotsy D'Nyer
Dotsy D'Nyer says: “Once I deny something, dear, I can believe anything I want.”
Denies all things unpleasant. (Food is pleasant - very.)

Lolly Lost
“I thought inflation just raised prices, but Professor Hope taught me that inflation also eats into our pay raises.”
And perhaps never to be found.

Leon Looz
"I guess you could say I'm a happy loser."
When he's not losing money on bad investments, the otherwise frugal Leon is happy to be saving it.

Preston Prosper
“My dad says I won't be free from making enough money until I make enough money.”
The pre-teen son of a billionaire isn't sure how much money is “enough,” but he is free to love classmate Portia Proper.

Portia Proper
“I don't like money, but if I'm going to eradicate world poverty in my lifetime, I'll need tons of it.”
The idealistic teen invests only in “highly ethical” mutual funds and actually tolerates the attentive Preston Prosper.

Adrian Angre
“I worry I'll punch out a fool I can't suffer gladly.”
And among his classmates, fools abound to torment Will's smartest student from the school of hard knocks.

Dayle Trayder
“I'm becoming a level-headed guy.”
A reformed day trader who can't stop missing the big gains, big losses, the panic, and the euphoria of his speculating days.

Hope Less
“Wall Street means big bucks and big bucks mean I can blow this little-bucks job.”
A teacher with little hope for students in general, but lots of hope when it comes to her attraction to Will Hope.

Bundt & Punt
“Daddy told us it's just as good to bunt and punt in the stock market as pitch a no-hitter or score a touchdown.”
Twin adult sons of the late baseball great, Pitch Ball, who made millions in the stock market.

Sy Lence
Lost his voice in the trauma of the 2000 tech crash, but considers himself an excellent picker of individual stocks, just an unlucky one.
Compulsively looking around for the next crash.